Monday, September 10, 2012

"Do As I'm Doing" action cards

Our primary has been fixated on spinning every time they sing "Do As I'm Doing"  Our poor chorister is so dizzy, I think she's ready to pull her hair out.  So, I took it upon myself to make these little cards with other options on them.  I think I may laminate them and attach a craft stick to the back so the kids can pick one and hold it up while singing if they want.....then again, they probably can't hold them up if they are doing the actions can they?


Unknown said...

These are GREAT! I wonder why no one has commented yet! Can I Please get a copy? jenisackson(at)hotmail(dot)com

Brian, Natalie, Kyrie said...

I love these too! So fun. Could I also get a copy. Thank you.

Ami said...

I would love a copy!

Kimberly said...

I love you blog! Can I get a copy of these cards?

bnlangst0n said...

I would love these! Thank You!

Jacinda said...

You are so clever. I would love a copy please.

From Jacinda in New Zealand

Kjersten said...

My primary kids would love these. It seems they can never get past marching or clapping their hands. I would love to use these for primary. Thanks!

mel or kel said...

I would love to print these off for a service project i am planning. We are making lots of visual aids for a new inner city primary. my email address is

Anonymous said...

I would love these! Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

Please send me a copy,

BrandonKristin said...

I would love these! Thank you for sharing your talents!

westtumble at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would love to have these. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

Dani Queiroz de Souza said...

Oh, dear! I need that too! Please, please! Hugs from Brazil.

Anonymous said...


Please could i also have a copy of these wonderful actions for our primary music time. We often run out of great new idea's for actions and these look fantastic,

thanks so much,

Karen said...

I sent you an email,but I would like a copy please. Thank you!

Natalie said...

May I please have a copy? Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I would love a copy! Thank you for sharing!!

Nichole Potter said...

I just got called and I am so out of place. I don't feel like I belong! This looks wonderful! Could you send me a copy? Thank you for all you do and all the hard work you put into this blog. It's people like me who really appreciate your service and kindness.


jeanie said...

i would loooove a copy!
they are fantastic, thanks!

GSGC StrongFamily said...

Hello! You are so talented, thank you for being willing to share your talent with others!

I would love these for my new calling!


funmum101 said...

I would love a copy for my primary. Please email me at
Thanks so much

Anonymous said...

I would love these. Thanks

Autumn said...

These are awesome.Please send them to

amboo said...

can i get a copy :]
Adorable, thank you , Ambewr

Celeste said...

I am also dizzy from the spinning! Can I get a copy? Thanks!

Holli Raymond said...

These are PERFECT for my sharing time this Sunday! Thank you!

justinian said...

Can I get a copy? Thanks

Dorienne said...

Thank you for sharing your talents! It sure helps us out!

Amy said...

these are really cute. I love the design. thank you for sharing!

Natalie said...

Thank you so much for these fun graphics! I anticipate much fun with these new actions :) You're very talented!

CardsbyJo said...

Thank you so much. I know our Primary children will enjoy these.

Tami said...

These ROCK! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

These are so cute! Would you send me a copy! Thanks so much

Joy said...

You are so talented! Thank you so much for coming up with these and sharing them with everyone! These are sure to be a hit with my Primary kids!

Heidi said...

I know this post was a while back, but your talent is still getting noticed. May I get a copy, too!? Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Can I get a copy?! Pls they are tooo cute! Regards from Costa Rica

The Miller Family said...

These are fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing these!

Mesia said...

Your website is fantastic! I live in France and totally want to use these here! Please send me a copy:

Thank you!

Unknown said...

These are absolutely awesome! The primary children absolutely love these on my ward!

Unknown said...

When I tried downloading the file it didn't have any of the words on the cards. Can you send me a copy? emilyallphin(at)gmail(dot)com

Chrissy said...

Thank you for sharing all your talent!

Karen M. Peterson said...

These are awesome! I thought it was just our kids that were obsessed with spinning!

Kim Good said...

These are wonderful! Would you please send the file to me? My little wiggle worms would love them. :). Thank you for creating and sharing.

Anonymous said...

These are GREAT! I have basic movement cards, but they're pretty dated (and yours are SO much cooler!) I would love a copy, thank you!

Beth said...

These are great! Thanks for helping me transition to my new calling! By they way, I can't tell what the hula girl one says? The word behind her head is puzzling me to no end! :)

Anonymous said...

Can I please have a copy of these as well? I would really appreciate it. Thank you so much for all of the work you do!

Chris Houghton said...

Me too please,

Beth said...

Super cute and wonderful for singing time. Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

what fun these are! can I also get a copy?
thank you!

Anonymous said...

these are o cute! could I please get a copy of them? I just got called to be the chorister I think my kids would love this. thanks

Michele said...

Thank you so much for these. You are very talented! Love the idea and our primary will love these actions.

Unknown said...

These are absolutely wonderful! Could you please send me a copy for me to use with my K-2 students?

Thank you!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

These are great! Could you please send me a copy

Thank you! Happy 2014!

Kathy Hewlett said...

I was unable to download the "Do as I'm doing" posters. I love the movements. My Sunbeams would have loved them but now I teach 10-11 girls but I think we could have a fun time doing this too--with your posters it would go over. Could you please send me a copy or how to make a copy. You are very talented and generous with that talent. Thank you. Kathy Hewlett

Jami Jackson said...

I love this idea! Can you please send me a copy?

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Could I get a copy please? Thanks! They are awesome!

shawker said...

Could i please get a copy for these fun actions?
Love your site! I downloaded your "Families Are Forever" temple, had it printed poster-size at Costco, and use it on our bulletin board. It's gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your talents.

Unknown said...

I would love a copy
I LOVE your work!

BrookieT said...

I love these too- may I get an email of the item? It did not download correctly.

BrookieT said...

I would love this emailed- it did not download correctly. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

These are so cute and would be great for primary singing. I too would love a copy of these, since I can't print it. Thank you, thank you!

Anonymous said...

I have been trying to download the Do As I Am Doing cards but they will not download correctly.
Would you please send them to me in an email?
Thank you

Carolyn said...

These are so fun! But I can't get them to download. Would you mind emailing them to me also? My email address is Thank you!!!

Connie~ said... Please email me. Thank you!

Rachel Seren said...

I would love them!! I'm new to this calling and these would be great!

Lana - Kasen's mum said...

These are great! Please email me a copy please pretty please at
Thank you kindly!!! Our primary will be very grateful :)

Anonymous said...

Are these still available. I love them

Mindy said...

These are so fun! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I also would love a copy if they are still available. I am new and so excited I found your site! I will be visiting lots. Thanks for all your hard work

Anonymous said...

Your Do as I'm Doing cards are darling!
I'm like everyone else who would LOVE to have them emailed to me. Thank you for your hard work.

Anonymous said...

I've had this calling now for a year, and I would LOVE a copy of this. Would you mind emailing me? Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Could I get a copy please? They are cool! Thanks!

Jtaner said...

I loe your artwork! Could I get a copy of the "Do as I am Doing" cards? Thank you so much for sharing your artwork.

jtaner said...

HA HA I can't believe I forgot to include my email address... DUH! Let's try again... Send me a copy please ...

Anonymous said...

I love this and cant get the download to work. May I please have a copy?

Debra said...

If this file is still available I would love to get a copy. I was using other artwork of yours for a Primary project and ran across these. I'm currently a CTR4 teacher but I was chorister for over 8 years before this. I would like to add these Do As I'm Doing cards to my music file in case I am lucky enough to be the Primary chorister again some day! Also, fun to play with my grandchildren. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful talents with us!

Heather and Eric said...

These are darling! I would love to use these with my sunbeams! Can I have a copy?

Ronda said...

I would love a copy as well. I can't get the download to work.
Ronda Rodney

Tiffany said...

These are so wonderful! You are so talented. I tried to download these to print but I'm having trouble printing them. Would you mind emailing them to me? I am very excited to use these during singing time!


Cara Taylor said...

Absolutely LOVE these!! Can I please get a copy? I'm brand new to the calling and can't wait to add these to my growing collection!

Anonymous said...

Can you please email these to me to where I can print them?

Thank you

Anonymous said...

i'd love a copy too please!!!

Unknown said...

May I please have a copy emailed? I cannot get the download to print. My email address:

K. McCarthy said...

these are great! may I please have a copy? thanks so much!

Widdison said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Just been called into Primary and I thought 'What a great idea' - Could you send me a copy as I am unable to print them…. thanks for sharing.

Linda Golding

Anonymous said...

I would love a copy as well. Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I figured it out! SO SORRY and thanks again!

Anonymous said...

I would love to use this in my primary. I'm only able to download 6 of them. Wondering how I can get the rest of them. Thanks for your great ideas!

Christina said...

These are great. Could you email these to me? I can't get the files to open.

Anonymous said...

I'd love a copy of this as well. How fun and creative!! Thank you for creating and sharing!

Kate said...

They don't seem to download? Any suggestions? May I please have a copy?

Unknown said...

These are brilliant! Could you please send me a copy too
Thanks heaps :)

Unknown said...

Please may I have a copy sent to

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful! As a new chorister with no experience they will be a great help. If these are still available please email them to Thank you so much

Anonymous said...

Can I get a copy as well?

Stefanie said...

Thanks for sharing! I'm excited to use these with my nursery kids tomorrow. I am cutting out the circles and using them with pocket dice. The kids can take turns rolling to see which action we will be doing as we sing.

Emily Hamilton said...

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful ideas and creations. This is VERY helpful!! Grateful for you.

Mica said...

I LOVE these! Thank you in advance for sending a copy to

Unknown said...

Please. Please. Please.

Holly said...

Thank you soooo much! These are great!!!

Anonymous said...

So cute! Thank you!

ME 2020 said...

If you are still sending this file I'd love to have them for our kids! What fun!


Spenny and Nellie Morris said...

So fun! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

could i get a copy too please?


Liz said...

You are a life saver!! I am subject to vertigo and cannot spin, but have not found a good solution. This is so invaluable to me. THANK YOU!!! I love the artwork. So adorable and fun!

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scrapintina said...

Thank you so much! I love these, exactly what I've needed!

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Unknown said...

These are amazing, can i get copy please.
I would also like to subscribe to use more of your products. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I would love a copy.

Anonymous said...

Can I please get a copy?

Anonymous said...

Can I please get a copy?

Unknown said...

I would love to use these amazing prompts in my Primary.

Unknown said...

I would love a copy of this also please? You are so talented!

Sheri Durham said...

I would love a copy, please let me know what I have to do to get one.

Kristine said...

Could I please get a copy of these?

Tracy said...

These are wonderful ideas! Would love a copy if you are still willing to share.

Anonymous said...

I would love a copy please! Thanks!