

Friday, December 18, 2015

Reverence Tag

I heard of a little game that some primaries like to play called "Reverence Tag"  As the children come into the primary room, one of the presidency 'tags' a child with a badge to stand reverently at the front of the room as a 'reverent child'.  That child in turn watches the other children and passes the badge on to 'tag' someone else to stand at the front reverently.  Camille from Camille's Primary Ideas suggested that I make some badges for the Reverence Tag game.  I thought it was a pretty good idea, so - Here they are!  Enjoy!


  1. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but I can't get it to download.

  2. Heidi - If you give me your email, I can send you a link to download it, or I can just email the files to you. :)

  3. A while ago I used some of your pictures to make my own little signs. These are darling! Thank you! I love the idea of having a few signs/games going at the same time to involve more children. Thank you!

  4. Can you send me the link to download these please? They are so cute!

  5. Can I have a link to download also, I love this idea.

  6. Hi I’m not able to download it. Are these still available. If so are you able to email to me please? Thank you

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