

Monday, March 13, 2017

2017 Primary Song Memory Game

Does anybody want to come clean my house and do my laundry and drive my kids around for me?  I am so tired.  I really feel like I'm dragging lately.  Life is in one of those super busy times for me.  I haven't had much drawing time.  When I have had sneaked it in (late, late at night). I've been trying to finish the illustrations for the book about my Great great grandmother and her story of joining the church and coming to Utah.  It has been such a fun project.  It's getting close to being finished and I can't wait to see how it all turns out.  Maybe I should post some of the illustrations.
Anyway.....Between it all, I was able to put together this little kit.  It's the memory game for this year's primary songs.  It's for sale now in my Etsy shop for only $5.  I'm not doing a give-away this time.  Only because I think I will forget to actually draw names and such right now.  But if you are interested, you can use the coupon code GREEN17 to get 20% off from now until the end of April.

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