

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Come Visit me!!!

THE WAIT IS OVER!  Some of you have been asking about book 2 in the "What If...." series.  It is called What If You Could Travel Anywhere and we will be releasing it this Saturday.  This story is just as fun as the first and gave me a lot of chance to really use my imagination.  It's based on the idea traveling in a tube like you see at the bank.  You won't want to miss it. You can come see the Author, Tim Brown & I for a book signing this Saturday, Aug 3, 11 AM - 1PM at Marissa's Books & Gifts in Murray, Utah.  We'd love to see you and visit in person!  Tell your friends and family!  Thanks for all your support.  I hope to see you there! 

And for those of you who are curious about book 3 - I am illustrating it right now.  Let me tell you - it's going to be a real party!  Your kids and grandkids will love it.  

also - a small request.  If you happen to think about it while you're on your knees, could you send a little prayer my way?  This past month can only be described as a series of unfortunate events!  My husband fell off a 40 foot cliff at scout camp and had to be life flighted to St. George.  He's fine.  Just a bunch of torn ligaments.  He's hobbling around on crutches.  And very disappointed that the only helicopter ride in his life wasn't all that fun! -though it does make for a really exciting story!  It's just one of a handful of similar experiences he's had lately. If I told you more, you wouldn't even believe me.  And honestly, I'm just exhausted.  If I didn't know better I'd think the universe was out to get him.  Of course when bad things happen, good things happen too.  We've experienced a lot of miracles right along side all the adventures. Heavenly Father has taken good care of us - as he always does.  But man, am I tired.  Life can really take a lot out of you.  I'm just trying to hold on and keep functioning for a few more weeks till the kids go back to school!  Anyone else looking forward to that? 😂


  1. I'm sorry you've been having so many unplanned "adventures," but I'm glad good things are still happening. Oh I wish I wish I could come to your book signing! Maybe some day I can plan a Utah road trip and stop by to meet you. =) (We're in WA state.)

    Good job finishing another book! That's so cool!

  2. Of course we'll pray for you! We may be a quiet bunch, not leaving many comments on your blog, but we love to pray! We especially love to pray for people like you!

  3. Tj and Holly, Thank you so much for your prayers and support. It has helped more than you know and I truly appreciate it.


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