

Monday, November 11, 2019


I am happy to announce the winners of the give away!

Linda Veteres
Pam Smith
Brooke Wendt

I have already sent the files, so check your email!  
If you are not a winner, you can still get these sets from my Etsy shop
You can use the coupon code BLOGFRIEND to get 20% of everything
from now until the end of the month.  Thanks everyone for
supporting me.  I appreciate it!

P.S. if you have any ideas for the upcoming year of Come Follow Me please let me know.  I'm still working on illustrations for the What If books, but every so often I need to work on a different project in order to keep my mojo up.  I love getting ideas and suggestions.


  1. I found @scripturefun picture on Instagram they tagged you in and thought that scripture stickers of your illustrations would be awesome! I wonder if there's a way to do that?
    Either way, obviously anything Book of Mormon related would be great. I love the story of the Brother of Jared. Plus next year is the whole Bicentennial of the First Vision so more pieces to retell the story of Joseph would be good.
    I'll keep thinking to...

  2. I bought your song matching sets from your Etsy shop and I love the artwork so much would it be possible for you to create a set of just the images as stand alone pictures to use in my flip charts so the children will make the association between the matching card and the chart? And will there be a 2020 set for matching?? Hint Hint... I would happily buy all of that!
    And I agree with the previous comment about anything Book of Mormon related. Your work is so inspired I'm sure anything you think of will be wonderful!

  3. You've already done some book of Mormon characters and scenes that could be used with Follow the prophet. I would love to see some additional ones that depict all the verses of Book of Mormon stories.


Thanks for stopping by!