

Monday, March 9, 2020

Spring Cleaning (my computer)

While looking through my computer files this week, I noticed a handful of drawings that I've never done anything with.  Several of them, I don't even remember why I drew them.  Either way, here they are for your downloading pleasure.  I hope you'll find a good use for them. 

This is a sheet that prints out on 8.5 x 11.  Our ward did a service project making bags of items for refugees.  I wanted to send them a message of love with the packages, but didn't know what languages they would speak or anything, but hoped that this image would communicate that they were sent with love. 

Dog Girl (Glad that's not my name....just sayin')

"Love You" Girl

Sisters In Zion

Super CTR Heroes. These were in response to a request for a few additional characters to the set that's in my Etsy shop.  I had intended to put them on Etsy, but now I'm too lazy.

PTA (Parent -Teacher Association) Ladies.  This illustrations got me a free membership to the PTA one year.  They used them on posters to advertise PTA activities.  The white shirts had the school logo on them, but I erased that so you all could use them for your own purposes.

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