

Friday, April 24, 2020

Pandemic Printable

So, how are you all holding up?  I hope that where ever you are, that you are doing well.  Isn't this a strange thing to be going through?  Here in Utah we also had an earthquake and several aftershocks. It's enough to make you feel like it's the end of the world.  I'm SO grateful to have a loving Heavenly Father and living prophets to calm my soul.  
And, if you couldn't guess, I also use drawing as a coping mechanism for life in general.  After my kids go to bed I use the evening hours to decompress and process my day through my pencil and paper.  Lately, that means I've been drawing a lot of pandemic related things.  I honestly can't imagine who in the world might need these little cards and drawings. I think we all know these procedures by heart.  But, I drew them.  And I feel like I should do something with them.  So they are going into the Etsy shop.

If you haven't been on Facebook or Instagram lately, you might enjoy checking out the other pandemic drawings I've been doing.  FB: Susan Meeks Fitch IG: @sufitch

As always, I will do a drawing to giveaway a free set of these.  If you are interested in winning, just leave a comment with your name and email address, and tell me what you are doing to cope and process this ordeal. I will randomly pick winners a week from tomorrow.  That's May 2nd, so you've got a while to enter and to spread the word if you think someone else might be interested.

Stay Safe!


  1. I just love everything you do!

  2. Thanks again--These are perfect! I hope you and your family are surviving well and enjoying your together time. :) Rebecca

  3. I've been loving these!

  4. Holly Kelley

    Thanks Susan! You have a way of making everything adorable and interesting to look at.
    To be honest, this hasn't been very hard on us. I know it is a terrible thing for many people, but I've kind of enjoyed the time at home with my girls (3yrs and 5yrs) and my husband is working half days at work and the other half at home. We've had a lot of good family time and I like the slower pace of life. We certainly miss going to our preschool music class, story time at the library, and the science center--all once a week things on different days. We also miss seeing friends. Something fun we've done is to be part of a "car parade" to drive by houses for our missionaries who came home, friends with birthdays, and older people who may be lonely. We've drawn a lot of attention through neighborhoods with 20+ cars driving slowly playing fun music and people holding homemade signs. The lead car has balloons so we all know who to follow. All the people come out on their doorstep or watch through windows and wave...many with tears of joy including people we don't know. You should start it in your neighborhood!

  5. Eu sempre amo o que você faz, sua criatividade é incrível nunca canso de dizer como sou grata por você abençoar nossas vidas em nosso ensino no lar. Em um momento como esse que estamos passando é dificil manter as crianças em casa e ensinar com desenhos fica muito mais fácil e divertido pra meus pequenos. Um grande abraço virtual. Que o Senhor continue a te abençoar.

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