

Sunday, August 7, 2022

"Come Follow Me" New set and GIVE AWAY!!!

Well, we did it.  We moved to Idaho. We are slowly but surely settling in and getting used to things. Idaho is a beautiful place.  We love the gorgeous sunrises and sunsets.  We love the cottontail bunnies that run through our yard and the herd of cattle that moos past the back fence every so often.  And the people are so kind and friendly.  

The only thing that I do not like are all the mice and voles around.  I am terrified of mice.  Logically, I know there's no need to be, but when I see one, my body takes over and jumps on the nearest furniture. I was traumatized the other night when one of our cats chased a mouse into my bedroom at around 3 am.  He (the cat) killed the mouse and swallowed it whole right in front of me! While I was relieved that the mouse was taken care of, I was equally disgusted by the sight and sound of the cat choking it down.  My husband sleeping next to me, and my giant dog sleeping on the floor both merely rolled over and went back to sleep.  The particular cat who got the mouse gets a bad wrap at our house because he's grumpy.  But after that, he's been promoted to hero of the house. (in my book, anyway.)  Thank heavens for cats.   Do any of you out there hate mice like I do? 


It took me a couple weeks to find where my art supplies had been packed away, but I eventually found them and have started getting back into my groove with drawing.   It's hard to find just the right spot in the house to draw.  I've tried several places, but I think the family room may be the winner.

I just put a new set in my shop.  It's called "Come Follow Me". It's got pictures of the Savior from stories in the Bible, then has illustrations showing modern kids/people doing those same kinds of things.  Baptism, helping the disabled, teaching the gospel, mourning with those who mourn, and feeding the hungry.  And there's one picture of the Savior with his hand out as if to say, "Come Follow Me".  I think the pictures would work well for a flip chart of "I'm trying to be like Jesus" but they aren't specifically drawn for that so they don't necessarily match the words in the song or anything.  

I even remembered to do a line art version so they can be used as coloring pages.

If you would like to win a free download of this set, just leave a comment.  Tell me what you are terrified of, or your traumatic moments with mice. :D. Be sure to leave your name and email address. Next Saturday, August 13, I will randomly draw 3 names from the comments and send them a free set.  If your email isn't there, I can't send the files to you and I'll choose another name.  If you would rather not wait, you can go straight to my Etsy shop and buy the set now.  Use the coupon code IHATEMICE for 20% off.


  1. Oh yo le tengo terror a los ratones y a las cucarachas. Son asquerosos.
    Ailyd Dávila

  2. Living in Philly while my husband attended Med school and as I went to put my baby back in bed after a night feeding a mouse scurried across our path. Eek!

  3. I live in the country mice get in our house once in a while ...they seem to like getting stuck between the wall and dying at least once a year....ppppppppppU!

  4. I feel the same as you about mice. Thank you for publishing more art. I love all of your images for my flip charts.

  5. Our naughty cat brought a mouse into the house. (My husband didn't notice the mouse in it's mouth when he opened the door.) The cat looked up at us and dropped the mouse, and it scurried all around in the kitchen! We tried to trap it, but accidently squished it instead. Ack!

  6. I'm not sure there's much I'm terrified of animal wise but WAY TOO MANY creep me out! 😅 I love this set, you're incredible! Thank you! Amber

  7. Mice are my absolute fear as well. A few years ago, we were living in an older house and I was nursing my baby in her nursery and a little mouse scurried his way under the door as I was rocking my sweet little one in my chair. I immediately scream, and ran out of there with my daughter, called my husband, made him come home from work to try to find it. I gathered the rest of my kids up and we went to a park (in the scorching heat) for the rest of the day. I couldn't go in the nursery until the mouse was caught, and even after that I was so wary to go in there!
    I am also terrified of tornadoes, and thankfully, I live in an area where they are not common, but I still get so scared even watching videos of them!
    Erin Markle

  8. Oh wow, I’d also be a little scared to see a cat eat a whole mouse ALIVE! 🥴🥴 I am terrified of heights and cliffs or any ledges. Even thinking about it gives me visions of falling to my death. I’m not fun to be around when family goes to see tall waterfalls from an overlook.
    Emily Pulham

  9. I once had a mouse in a house I shared with 2 other roommates. It would crawl around at night and I could hear it moving tissue paper I had at the foot of my bed. (It was terrifying). Come to find out there was a whole family living in our kitchen. We put the sticky mouse traps out to catch them. We did but they were baby mice and we felt so bad. We tried to pull it off the trap but it only hurt the poor mouse more. My roommate ended up throwing it away after a long attempt to set it free. Needless to say I will never use a sticky trap again. Better to get it over with. I have been traumatized ever since.

    1. Forgot to put my email. It’s
      -Kristen Scow

  10. I live far far away from you HONG KONG. I'm not sure did you know where it is. My house doesn't have mouse problem. But there's a lot of mouse problem in HONG KONG.I love your art, they are so beautiful and so helpful for primary.
    Cindy Lam

  11. Hi I’m afraid 😱 of mice eating toes or chasing me in the dark!!! I❤️ Your art for primary songs and activities. I can’t wait to use the missionary art in your Etsy shop. Thank you for adding the coloring pages and the new art of Christ .
    Best Chrissy T

  12. I hate spiders! I also realize this is unreasonable as they are so small, but they are so creepy with their legs and their dangling from webs that appear out of nowhere! It’s awful! I especially have a fear of walking into giant webs! Why can’t they be bright pink or something so I can see them?!! 😆

  13. Last summer we had mice all over our backyard. We could hear our dog chasing them and their squeaking was very loud as she was torturing them. Love your art. Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. Wow what a welcome to Idaho! I'm scared of the dark! I love your pictures and have been using them for years! 💜

  15. We dealt with mice in our food storage when we first moved to Southern Utah…it was NOT fun!! They got in to EVERYTHING! 🤪😭 I’d love to win a set of these beautiful pictures you’ve created!! Suzanne Lewis -

  16. I'm not afraid of mice and voles but they aren't in my house. They are in my garden and they eat my plants and chew on my trees and I get very angry at them! I am afraid of hornets. I didn't use to be until I got stung a few years ago and had an allergic reaction so now my body freaks out a little when I hear buzzing.

  17. Deve ser um pouco tarde para deixar um comentario, mas mesmo assim deixarei, porque tenho medo de varias coisas, em especial baratas, tenho medo de gatos tambem andando pela casa a noite com seus olhos brilhantes. rsrsrs fico apavorada e meu corpo treme muito, tenho medo de altura, gosto de sentir o pé no chão. um grande abraço!

  18. I'm sure it is way to late for the drawing but I figured I'd try anyway! We lived in a house infested with mice for a year and a half. We kept working with an exterminator to get rid of them but....Anyway, my son kept complaining that he was hearing the chirping of mice by his head at night. I brushed it off as the exaggerations of a young child. A few weeks later we finally moved out of that house and when we lifted his mattress to move it ou, t we found a nest of baby mice in the box spring! I was sooo glad to be gone!

  19. Hi! There is not alot of mice around my part of the world. We have more trouble with cockroaches and spiders mainly Huntsmen spiders. I am happier to have spiders as they like to snack on the cockroaches, which I detest!! Love your work and appreciate you sharing your talents. Thank you.

  20. Eu não tenho medo de rato... Tenho pavor🤭
    Já vi pessoalmente e fico horrorizada.
    Quando meu filho estava aprendendo a andar estávamos na casa da bisa que ficava numa sítio pequeno, eu disse pra ele não ficar correndo se não o ratinho iria pegá-lo... Minutos depois apareceu mesmo um ratinho e não sabíamos se corria ou dava gargalhadas😂
    No final o rato foi quem correu de nós!😂

    Sou fã dos seus desenhos, você é muito especial em compartilhar conosco, obrigada!
    Se possível ainda gostaria de receber esse arquivo lindo que você está oferecendo.

  21. How i did a background check on my business associates via the help of a CYBER GENIE. I discovered I was doing business with some Malaysian fraudulent cartel after doing an external background check with the help of << >> that would have cost me millions of US Dollars. He was able to hack their email and that's were I discovered I was about to be scammed.

  22. Hi Susan! I'm just getting to know you and your lovely talents! Thank you for all you do. :) I too have a mouse story. I'm not too afraid of mice, snakes, spiders,... just get annoyed! LOL But this! This- was an epidemic of epic proportions! A couple decades ago I lived in Mount Dora- central Florida. Many miles away they drained a big, terribly polluted lake, closed all surrounding farms and flooded the fields. Apparently there was a MASSIVE mouse population that had been residing there that were now being forcefully evicted. They all began running rapidly en masse- and over weeks, wildly infiltrated each town they stormed and unabashedly invaded homes. There was literally a plague of millions! I would find these shameless creatures all over the house, furniture, yard, garage... EVERYWHERE!! One of the most shocking and gross was discovering them under the top of my kitchen stove while cooking! And then probably what was most surreal, and freaked me out, and also was most sad, was when I went to help my 11-yr-old son make his bed. We pulled back the top sheet and underneath was one of these little soldiers- flattened and dead! So apparently it had been in the bed with my son all night! My son being unaware, must have rolled over on this little guy in his sleep and suffocated it. And then laid on top of it all night, given the state of its then near two-dimensional shape!

    Anyway, good luck with your little friends!


  23. I hate mice and while serving our mission at Cinnamon Creek Campground in Utah, we discovered that mice had shared our trailer while we had a week off. We set a few traps to get rid of them and it worked. Then---I saw a snake! But My husband said the snakes will eat the mice---so do I like snakes? (NO)

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