


I will be teaching a FREE art class for anyone and everyone interested in attending.  I would like to ask that any children younger than 8 have an adult with them.

I live in Kaysville, Utah.  If you are close enough and want to attend, please leave your email address for me in the comment section and I will send you the address to my church. 

This class will focus on designing and drawing characters.  I'm not a fancy artist who knows all about the subject, but I am happy to show you how I draw and what I have learned over the years.

There will be six classes given on Friday nights from 5-6 pm. (So you can still have a date night too!) 
The weeks are not consecutive - so check the dates carefully.  (I didn't want to have class during spring break.  We also have some family birthdays) 

You will need to bring your own basic supplies:

  • PAPER.  we are just learning and having fun here, so any paper you want to use is fine.  I use basic multi-purpose printer paper.  You are welcome to use something nicer, or even bring a sketch book if you like.
  • PENCIL.  I like to use mechanical pencils for sketching.  My favorite is a pentel GraphGear 500.  It's about $6 and you can get them at Hobby Lobby, Smiths or Office Supply stores.  I just like the feel of it in my hand.  My preference for it has nothing to do with quality or anything.  You can use any pencil you like.  A good old No.2 will work just perfectly.
  • PENCIL SHARPENER. If you choose to use a mechanical pencil, you will not need a pencil sharpener.  If you have a pencil that needs sharpening, I would recommend a metal handheld sharpener.  My favorite one is found in the drafting isle at hobby lobby and costs about $2. 
  • ERASER.  There are three different types of erasers that I like.  The regular old pink pearl eraser works great.  I also like the white magic rub erasers and also often use kneaded erasers.  You can use what ever you like best.
  • RULER. I will not be using a ruler much - if at all in this class.  But if you think one would be helpful for you, I would suggest a transparent ruler of any kind. 
note: I have linked many of these items to Amazon.  That is just to give you a visual of what they are.  All of these items can be found cheaper in actual stores. 

The main purpose of this class is to help my daughter who has cerebral palsy.  Her disability tends to isolate her sometimes.  Now that she is starting to be a teenager she wants to be more social, but doesn't have a lot of opportunity.  This is a way we thought we could provide some social experience for her to be around other people and let them get used to being around her and learn to feel comfortable with her. 

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to ask.


  1. Hi Susan! My kids would love this!
    I'm in West Kaysville. My email is

    Thank you!

  2. Hi I have 3 girls
    7,10,13 who would love to attend!
    Address please! 😊
    I am so excited

    (Friends with Amy Patterson)

  4. Oh how I wish I could come! 12 hours is a little too long to drive for a social call and art lesson... =(

    I hope you have a good turn-out. I hope you specifically invited all the Young Women. I would have loved that as a teenager!

  5. I want to come with my daughter!!! We live in Oklahoma, though. Have you ever considered doing online classes?

  6. Is there any way you could do a video/online version. I am too far away to come there weekly, but would LOVE to try my hand at it myself.

  7. I agree with Rhonda. We live 3 hours away from Kaysville, and my granddaughter really wants to learn to draw. I can't think of ANY artist I would rather have for her teacher!!! Thanks for all you do!

  8. Are you going to do art classes again?? If so, my daughter and son would love to come. My email is Thank you

  9. Hello!
    I would LOVE to have both of my daughters (ages 8 & 10) attend a free art class with you. They are both aspiring artists, especially the older one. Will you be holding another one sometime soon? If so, please contact us via email to let me know. PS Andy Hogan is in our ward and we have the Santa All Year Long book. So fun!

  10. Can I join the art class? I need help practicing my artwork better for Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.

  11. Susan, You do this all the time, and it is soooo generous! Thank you! We live too far away to attend, but I love that you do it. You're awesome!

  12. Thank you so much for sharing your talent. I am going to use it in our Stake and wards here in Lucena Stake Philippines. Thank you very much(Maraming Salamat po.)
    Thank you very much hà nội computer , hanoicomputer


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