

Friday, February 22, 2013

2013 primary song memory game cards

I've had so many requests for memory game cards for this year's primary songs, I finally got off my Franny and made some!  Some of this year's songs are already in last year's set of cards, so I didn't re-do those.  You'll have to download that packet here.  And unlike last year, I didn't do two of the same card on each page. There is only one copy of each card in the actual download.  I thought it would make it easier and faster to download that way, and hopefully it isn't too hard for you to just print it out twice.  I hope you'll enjoy these!


*There have been some issues with these coming out smaller than the 2012 cards.  If this happens to you, first try to download the files to your computer rather than just printing from the google doc that opens up.  If that doesn't work, email me.  If I send the file directly from my computer it seems to work right.  Thanks, and good luck! 


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your talents! My music leader will be thrilled with these!!

  2. Thank you so much, Susan, for sharing your beautiful designs! You help make my calling as Primary Chorister even more fun;-)

  3. These are great!!!!! I am SO going to use them the last week of April! Thank you, thank you so very much! But I couldn't access the link you left for the ones from last year. How would I get to those? My email is Thanks again!

  4. Could I also get the memory cards from last year? Going to use this this Sun., if possible. Thanks so much! My email:

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  6. Thank you so much for sharing these with us! I have a matching game I created with clip art images but this is way better. The kids LOVE playing and will enjoy these new (better) pictures! I'm going to laminate them so they last forever! Another fun way to play is put them on the ground and have them toss a bean bag, then sing whichever they land on. Thanks again for sharing!

  7. I am enlarging these graphics in a word doc, converting to pdf and then posting to my blog. I plan on affixing the graphics to a large die and will use it for review. I totally gave you credit and hope it is okay to post. These are beautiful!!! Thank you thank you for sharing!

  8. how can we edit the size? I'm trying to get them the same size as last year's memory cards so we can play them together... anyway for us to adjust the size?

  9. Feel free to use these and post them where ever - as long as you label them as being my artwork I'm fine with that.

    They were all created the same size, so there shouldn't be a problem, but I know that every so often they download funny. I don't know why. Try to download them again. If you still have troubles, email me and I'll send you the files directly from my computer.

    Thanks! and best wishes.

  10. Susan, You're sooo talented!!!1 THANK YOU for sharing with us. I to have not been able to get the size of 2013 to match 2012. I redownloaded and still no luck. Do you have any suggestions?
    You're wonderful!!

  11. Susan...thank you so much these are perfect! I am having a hard time downloading 2012. Can you please send them to my email ( Thanks for sharing your talents :)


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