

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

ASL Young Women's Theme

This is the newest addition to my Etsy shop.  It is a poster and flash cards of the ASL signs for the Young Women's Theme.  My daughter has cerebral palsy and some hearing loss.  This is her first year in Young Women's.  She was having a hard time speaking fast enough to say the Young Women's theme each week in church. We decided it might be easier for her to learn it in sign language, so she and I watched a you tube video and made these pictures to help us remember the signs we learned.  Now, we are teaching all the young women!  It's been an awful lot of fun.


  1. That's awesome! I bet there are LOTS of wards that would really benefit from this! It's neat to learn the signs even if there's not a specific need. I teach my little sunbeam class signs with every song we learn because it's fun and keeps them engaged. Kids learn best when they are moving and having fun!

  2. Oh Susan, I can't believe she's in YWs!!! I have been in YW's for just over 2 years & I'd LOVE to teach these to my gals before I'm released! Thank you for ALWAYS being spot-on!! I hope you're doing well...your friend, Lucie xoxo

  3. Hi! Do you happen to have the new yw theme in asl? Our yw want to learn both and I thought it would be cool to do it at the same time. Thanks!

  4. Sue! Have you had a minute to possibly work on the ASL for the newer theme? We're memorizing it for an activity in June and I'd SO LOVE to use your art! Love you to bits!

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