

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Hi. Remember me?

Hello?  Is anybody still there?

It's been a really long time since I've posted here.  I just wanted to give a little update and let you all know what's going on.  In the summer, not long after I posted last, I was contacted by a man whose kids I used to babysit.  He was a young men's leader in my ward while I was a teenager.  His name is Tim Brown.  He's one of those guys you never forget, and his family is one of those families you never forget.  They are GREAT people.  And they were my favorite family to babysit for because his kids loved art and we'd spend most of our time trying to draw Disney characters together.

Have you ever been to the Utah State Fair and seen the Butter Cows?  His wife sculpts those.  Of his seven kids he has painters, sculptors, graphic designers, and even a fashion designer.  They are a creative family to say the least.  However, they don't have any illustrators.  That's where I come in.

Now, you may or may not know that I try to stay away from doing professional projects.  My first priority is to my family.  I have special needs kids who need extra attention and help.  I don't like to work against deadlines because then I have to start telling my kids that I can't pay attention to them or spend time with them because I've got to get this thing done for somebody else who is infinitely less important to me than they are. It can also get really stressful for me.  I like to have a flexible schedule so that when (not if) there is an emergency with one of my kids I can drop whatever I'm doing to take care of it.  I can't always do that when I'm working for someone else.  It just doesn't work.  So, professional work is just not something I do.

That having been said, when Tim contacted me and told me he wanted to talk to me about an illustration project, I was ready to say no.  But, I met with him and his wife anyway.  He told me about a game that his family used to play around the dinner table called "What If." They would take turns presenting a "What If" scenario and the others were only allowed to agree and build on what they imagined.  They had a great time and often were even able to solve family problems that way.  It's a fun idea.  Tim is a talented writer.  And the first story he read to me was really cute.  As I listened to him, I also tried to listen to my Heavenly Father, and I felt like this is a project I should do.

Long story short, I've spent the last 6 months illustrating the first book in the "What If" book series.  I've learned a lot and done a lot of things I've never done before.  I even learned (kind of) how to use a new computer program!  I've been really blessed.  And I don't have any idea why, but I know that Heavenly Father wants me to be working on this project.  I've been able to take care of my family just fine.  Don't look at my house though. It's a mess.  And I haven't put anything here or in my Etsy shop either.  I feel bad to have neglected you all.  I really enjoy getting your emails and comments with ideas for new projects, and I love to give away my kits to you.  I'm not a person who enjoys a lot of attention, but I enjoy the one on one interaction I get with all of you and I love hearing that the little drawings I do while sitting on my couch in front of the TV have been able to help you all somehow.

I don't think it probably matters much to many of you.  I don't imagine any of you sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for me to post a new freebie or add a kit to my shop.  But if you are, I wanted to let you know not to give up on me.  I'm still here and I'll still be posting freebies and kits in the future when ever I can.  I'll also start doing drawings for the new Come Follow Me curriculum.  Just that right now, I'm busy illustrating some books.  I'd love for you to check them out on Amazon or on the "What If" book series website.  Because the author has self published the books he's paid for them all out of pocket and I don't have any to give away. I would appreciate you taking a minute to check out the website though.  and if you buy a book there you can use the coupon code WHATIF15 to get 15% off.  Or, if you prefer Amazon you can go there.  There's even a kindle edition there for just a few dollars.  I'd appreciate it even more if you'd leave a review.

I hope you've all had great holidays and that you'll have an even better New Year!  Thanks for supporting me!


  1. Yay! I HAVE been sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for you to post! How exciting to make more books! I hope they sell well!

  2. I have missed you. I love the illustrations for the book. They are wonderful. Can’t wait to see what you do for the new “Come Follow Me” lessons.

  3. Great job on the illustrations! I'm always looking for fun and unique books for my grandkids!
    Can't wait to see what you have in mind for "Come Follow Me"!!!

  4. Hi Susan!

    I just bought 2 excited! I hope it's okay if I share this post on my website. Love everything you do!
    Can't wait to see all your Come Follow Me artwork!!


  5. I totally miss you! But this is awesome, congrats.

  6. I am so glad you posted. I had wondered where you were and what you were up to. I am excited to check out the books and happy/relieved you will be creating more for your blog and etsy shop. I use your talent all the time to magnify whatever I am working on at the moment.

  7. What a great project! I love your work and am so glad to hear you are finding blessings in your endeavors.

  8. Susan! This is Emily (Dickson) Peterson, another soul from your ward of the past :) I have served in Primary for years and love turning to your artwork to use for singing time/sharing time (no more), etc. You are so talented and sweet and just awesome. I wanted to find some "Come, Follow Me" artwork and first turned to you. I will be anxiously awaiting the results (when you have time, that is...) I have worked from home on deadlines before and I completely know why you don't want to do it. It is something I'll never do again if I can help it. Thank you for sharing your talents and posting such wonderful freebies. I feel bad for not being better about leaving comments, because I certainly visit your site, benefit from your work, and LOVE what I see!

  9. I have been waiting for a new post and I am glad to hear that you've been working on a fun, creative project. I'm a big fan of your art work! I'll be sure to check it out.

  10. I love how personal you are! You're crazy talented with all of your drawings too! Thanks for sharing from the heart. This book is amazing! I'm a former special education teacher, and I love love books, especially something this FUN! I am sitting on the edge of my seat too, hoping that one day I can have you design my chore stickers for my business Family DoDots. I work from home too, and also, rarely allow myself deadlines that would cause stress to my family. Since I feel that way, I also allow those moms that work for me to have a wide range of flexibility. Sooo if you ever feel inclined to "doodle" in the business aspects of things, please consider Family DoDots. It's a great tool for family that needs a more visual aspect.

  11. How exciting! I love your illustrations and am always glad to see new ones, in whatever form. Thank you for sharing your talents.

  12. THANK YOU so much to all of you for your comments. I am so grateful to feel your friendship and support. It is such a help to me. I love you all and will 'return' to my usual business of drawing for all of you as soon as I can. xoxo

  13. This is great news! I'm so happy for you and this new adventure. Your work is amazing and I love seeing new (to me) work of yours. Thanks for the update.

  14. I absolutely love your work! Thank you for sharing with us! Your illustrations amazing and I can't wait to read the books!

  15. I'm so glad I happened on here to your site. I won't post my name on here because I do like my anonymity but know that I was your son's math teacher when he was in the 7th grade. I love him and your daughter who always said hi to me at school. I hope you now know who I am? Anyway, I will be buying your books on Amazon. I think you are so amazing and so talented and I love your ata work. You are spectacular!!

  16. Art work...spell check...arrrrgggggg...

  17. I have just found your site. Very excited by what I am seeing. I will check back often!

  18. I totally have been on the edge of my seat waiting for new kits, I love them all! BUT so excited for you and this new illustrating thing! What a great way to use your talents! And BRAVO to you for not taking on things to focus on your kids!

    I am grateful for all the wonderful images you've created in the past that have helped me with FHE and now Come Follow Me! My children love the images of Jesus healing the 10 Lepers. Your work is beautiful magic! Thank you for sharing!

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