

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Primary 2016 Poster

It's slow in coming, but I finally managed to get a binder cover / poster for this year's primary theme put together.  Hopefully, I'm not too late for it to be enjoyed by someone out there! 


  1. Hi Susan. I like the posters, but the Spanish is way off. It should say "Sé que las Escrituras son verdaderas." The Portuguese looks fine. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for being so generous! Love this. Thank you!!!

  3. Love it!! I may be adding it to our bulletin board!!

  4. Love your work! You are so talented and generous to share it with us. Thank you.
    I would like to correct one word in the portuguese poster: 'verdadEIras' is the correct spelling not 'verdadIEras' as in the poster.

  5. Oh, this is SO GREAT! Thank you so much for being so generous with your talent. I download just about everything you print -- free AND not free!

    You're Spanish isn't "way off," but it doesn't match what the church published. The Sharing Time Outline in Spanish has it this way if you want to match: Yo sé que las Escrituras son verdaderas

    You can see it here:

  6. I am so grateful to your website and Etsy shop! I live in Peru and everyone loves the stuff I come up with all of your artwork. If you ever need help with the Spanish stuff, send it my way, I'd be happy to proof it.

  7. Yay, Yay, Yay!!! Thank you SO much!

  8. Oooooh!!! LOVE THIS! Going up in the kids room ASAP!

  9. I love this!! Thank you so much for sharing! :-)

  10. Thank you SOOOO much for doing a Spanish version!!!

  11. This is lovely! Thank you so much for sharing your talent!

  12. Thank you Susan. I'm so impressed of your amazing art work. I'm wondering if you would be interested in creating any art or poster like that in Chinese? I'm from Hong Kong, and I'm thinking to create some Gospel related materials in Chinese. But I'm just a beginner, not even starting anything yet. However, if you want me to translate for you, and send it to your email for you make something in Chinese, feel free to contact me. I would love to do that.

  13. Thank u ! Portuguese, yeah! 😀


  14. El poster en el idioma español esta mal escrita, estaría muy bien si hace la coreccion hermana, saludos desde México

  15. This is great !! Can we have it french also? Please !!
    "Je sais que les Écritures sont vraies"
    It would be awesome!
    And thankyou so much for the cliparts! What a talent!


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