

Saturday, January 30, 2016


As many of you know, I've been working on a new kit with Women in the Book of Mormon.  I've got Sariah, Abish & Lamoni's queen (together) and the mothers of the stripling warriors.  I'd like one more character at least, but there aren't any other specific women stories that I can think of.  (can you?)  There are MANY stories of women in general.  I think nearly every story in the book speaks of women in general.  But I'm not quite sure how to draw that.  I'm wondering if it would work to do a generic Nephite or Lamanite woman, or if I should do "The women baptized in the waters of Mormon" or "The women who listened to King Benjamin" or something like that.  What do you think?


  1. Since the Book of Mormon Prophets set included Joseph Smith, why not Emma? She did act as the first scribe for the translation :)

  2. And please keep the Scripture Story sets coming!!! We LOVE them!

  3. There is a lot about Book of Mormon women on this site:

    Some of the women mentioned: Eve (1 Nephi 5:10-11 & 2 Nephi 2:18-25), Mary (Mosiah 3:8, Alma 7:10 & 1 Nephi 11:14-21), It also talks about the Daughters of Ishmael, who went into the wilderness and became wives for Lehi’s sons and Zoram, suffered and were blessed with childbearing, mourned at their father’s death, followed righteousness or shared the Lamanite mark.

    There are others, but these are the ones I am most familiar with, other than the ones you have already mentioned.

    Hope this help you.

  4. I love the suggestions already made. As I read your e-mail I thought of just a Mother because everybody has a mother! So maybe a Nephite Mother holding baby...Nephi, Alma, Mosiah...etc. and a Lamanite Mother holding baby...Samuel, King Lamoni, Laman...etc. We could use them to talk about wondering if the Mother's knew that their sons would grow up to be prophets or apostles for the Lord. Did they know their daughter's would marry these men? etc.

  5. Suggestions made are wonderful. I personally would use generic Lamanite and Nephite women, and both as mothers with a baby. They could be incorporated into so many stories.


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