

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I have a secret to tell.....

It's not really a secret, but it sounds so much more exciting that way doesn't it? It's actually some big news.  I am illustrating a book of stories.  I can't tell you much about it, but I can say that it will be wonderful AND it will be ready for gift giving by Christmas of 2013! 

It's going to be self published by the author, so if you think you may be interested in knowing about this book - when it's finished, how to get it, etc. Please leave a comment on this post to help me gauge how many to print.  Thanks for looking!


  1. Congratulations! Your artwork is so darling. I would be interested in learning more about your book.
    Thanks, and good luck!

  2. I love your art work. Thank you so very much for sharing. Your illustrations are perfect for a project my daughter wants for her 4 year old. She wants him to learn to listen during church instead of playing (admirable but somewhat unrealistic -- he is 4) She got the idea that I could make a file folder "game" with illustrations of commonly talked about subjects, then he can mark boxes when he hear the words, Jesus, Temple, Baptism etc. We haven't worked out the details yet but your illustions are going to make my job easier. Thanks so much. Nancy

  3. I am excited to hear you will be published! I absolutely love your illustrations and am excited to read your new story to my children. Love to hear when it is available.

  4. I want to have a copy!!! If you illustrated it, it will be good even if only for the pictures. Let me know when it comes out!

  5. I love your work and would definitely want a copy!!

  6. I'm interested! Your art work is beautiful!


  7. Love it! I would be interested too. Can't wait to see it. Your Amazing!

  8. Just found your artwork and love it! I'd be interested.

  9. I would be interested in your artwork, I love your graphics they are gorgeous. Thanks kathylh

  10. Your pictures are so pretty, I'm sure I'd be interested in it, no matter what it's about!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Your work is wonderful. I would love to see the book when it's done.

  13. Yes, I would love to learn more about the book your working on!

  14. I would LOVE to be on your list for this book when you have more information. Thanks for sharing your talent and brightening my days!!!

  15. Wow, I am so impressed and so grateful for your generosity.. I would for sure be interested.


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