

Monday, March 25, 2013

Jesus is Risen

He Is Risen
I don't usually draw pictures of the Savior.  It is intimidating to me to try to do justice to the God that I have such strong and sacred feelings about.  As I was drawing this one, I kept thinking about the infinite love that He has for all of us, and how much that love has to do with our imperfection.  (What use would the atonement be if any of us were perfect? He would have suffered and died in vain!) So I decided that maybe it's okay for me to draw Him even if it isn't 'perfect'.  He will love me and my drawing anyway.

*The General Primary Presidency discourages against using 'cartoon-like' images of the Savior in primary.  I believe it is because it is important for children to know that Jesus Christ is a real person, and not just a character from a book or on tv.


  1. Thanks for your blog. I just printed out you baptism girl and did it for FHE. My kids loved it. I love all of your drawings!

  2. So cute! Can you tell me where to find the guidelines on using "cartoon-like" pictures of Christ? I've been looking for months and can't find them.

  3. Thank you so much for all your kind words. It really makes my day to hear that my drawings are being useful and enjoyed!
    And Erin - I don't know where it's written! I was told by our ward primary chorister a few years back, and have never seen it in print either! If you ever find out something official on it - please let me know!

  4. I just found your blog from Pinterest. I love your artwork. It is so beautiful. I especially love this picture of the Savior. Amazing.

  5. I think there's a big difference between cartoons and illustrations, and this is clearly the latter. Love it!

    Incidentally - could I put a bug in your ear for some images of kiddos with special needs? Our ward has several kids with special needs (Down syndrome, autism, visual impairment, hearing impairment, wheel chair user), and I'm always looking for ways to more fully include them.

    If I read correctly, you have a deaf daughter. I do too! Mine is 14. :)

  6. Hi!

    I love your illustrations! They are beautiful. I was wondering if you have this one in a coloring page? I have some of my family coming into town this weekend and thought this would be wonderful Sacrament Quiet Activity they could do for Easter. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world.


  7. Thank you so much for making this available to us for free. I use your illustrations for Primary music and they are so perfect for what I need. I can't thank you enough

  8. Thank you! This is perfect to go along with the Primary Talk our son has to give this Sunday! Beautiful job on such a tough subject! We appreciate what you do! Thank you again!


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