Hello! Thanks for visiting my little corner of the internet. I'm thrilled to have you stop by.
I am a stay-at-home Mom to three great kids and a big yellow
dog. When I get a minute to relax, my favorite thing to do is draw.
My earliest memories of drawing are sitting in front of the TV watching Sesame Street with a stack of typing paper and an old tin can full of crayons. I doodled my way through high school and made my way through art classes at Salt Lake Community College and Utah State University.
I started this blog a few years ago because I wanted to try to do something useful with the things I was drawing and hoped that someone out there would be able to use them. I have been thrilled to find that there are many of you who have benefited from my illustrations. Especially those of you all around the world who don't have an abundance of resources. Helping you through my art has brought me true happiness! Thank you for letting me share my talent with you.
I was raised by an angel mother who taught by powerful example the importance of motherhood. While I believe that I could be professionally successful with this hobby of mine (and I'm sometimes very tempted by it) I make a conscious effort to follow the faith I learned from my Mother in keeping my family my highest priority. I know that my Heavenly Father blesses me and my family for that choice.
Thank you for supporting me. I hope you'll continue to enjoy what I do.
I was raised by an angel mother who taught by powerful example the importance of motherhood. While I believe that I could be professionally successful with this hobby of mine (and I'm sometimes very tempted by it) I make a conscious effort to follow the faith I learned from my Mother in keeping my family my highest priority. I know that my Heavenly Father blesses me and my family for that choice.
Thank you for supporting me. I hope you'll continue to enjoy what I do.

You are amazingly talented! Thanks for sharing these!
For those of us who do not have your talent but need illustrations that speak to children and help them understand principles we are trying to teach, your art is a TREMENDOUS blessing. Thank you for sharing your incredible talent!!
Yes thank you for sharing! I have enjoyed using your drawings recently in primary in Mesa Arizona.
You are wonderful! So nice for you to share. Your cute temple illustration is above my 2 year olds bed. It's darling!
Hiya Susan, so happy to "meet You" just found your blog and can't wait to see what you're up to. Thank you so very much for sharing your creativity and for your generosity. Hope to hear from you, I just emailed you :)
<3 Andi
Wow! I'm so impressed with your talents and the generosity with which you share them. It is beautiful to see folks who take to heart the counsel to "Let your light shine." Thank you. Love, love, love the illustrations.
Wow! I'm so impressed by your work! Thanks for sharing. I just got called as Primary Chorister and I will for sure be using some of your stuff. www.hubbardscupboard2010.com
Just wanted to say thanks so much for sharing your art. You have a knack for balancing "cute" with realistic and I love that.
Thanks for adding your talents to the Bishop's Storehouse. :)
I recently stumbled upon your amazing talent and I just wanted to say thank you so much for being willing to share it. Our little primary in Oregon is benefiting from it :) Blessings to you and your family!
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your marvelous skill, talent and gift!
Thanks for the cute drawing for my binder for YW. It has re-inspired me for next year! You are so talented and I really appreciate you sharing!
I am in Gustemala, in a branch with new members, with no previously concept of primary, let alone teaching songs
The hermanas here are using a P day of theirs to make some teaching aids for the primary your talent is greatly appreciated and motivating. Sharan
Thank you so much for your amazing talent!!
- From Sydney Australia.
I just came across your blog through a pinterest link. You have an amazing talent! Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you Susan for sharing your talent. You are truly following the admonition to use your talents and not hide them under a bush. As a fellow artist I can truly appreciate the joy you receive by sharing this God given talent. I am one who tends to hide mine through lack of use. Fear of failure or success not sure which but I am grateful and privileged to enjoy your gift. Thanks again for sharing. :)
Love you friend! Your work is amazing
Thank you so much for sharing your talent. I pray that the Lord will bless you for your wonderful efforts. Know that what you do is beautiful and much appreciated.
Thank you so much for sharing your gift with anyone and everyone! I love your illustrations and will definitely be using them in my primary class, as well as FHE lessons! Thank you thank you!
I am so impressed by you and your art. Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents, and making them so easily accessible. Singing your praises on my blog.
It is so wonderful that you are willing to share your great talent with all of us. Thank you!
Just found you. SO very excited. Need lots of art for our WELCOME bags for new members at church. You are the best and choosing the BEST PART as well.
continued great success and blessings.
Hi Susan,
I am always searching for great illustrations and I came across your designs on Pinterest (which I had to be told about by my daughters). Your drawings are the best I've found in years! God truly has blessed you with a wonderful gift. It's a very good decision to put your family first. If you decide to start custom work in the future, PLEASE contact me.
Hello from Canada,
Teresa (mom of five) ♥
I love putting a face to the that I have been admiring! You are very blessed to have such talent. Thanks for sharing it with the world. I love that you have images of LDS kids that I wouldn't be able to find elsewhere. Also, as the mom of a boy with special needs, thank you so much for drawing them!
I was called to be the Primary Chorister not too long ago and I have had a hard time finding good quality, LDS themed images to use as singing time helps. Your images are perfect. Thank you so very much for sharing your talent with those called but not gifted. You are a godsend.
I just got called to teach nursery and am really looking forward to my first time teaching using a few of your images. They are so colorful and fun, I think out kids will love them. Thank you for sharing your talents, you are making a bigger difference than you know!!!
Your illustrations are BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for all the goodness you share with the world!!
Thank you so much for sharing your talent. I am going to use it in our Stake and wards here in Lucena Stake Philippines. Thank you very much(Maraming Salamat po.)
Thank you for the 12 disciples cutouts I purchased today to provide to my Sunday School Class this Sunday. I will let you know how they went over with my students! Just what I needed to continue to teach the disciples and the Jesus' teachings.
Melanie E. Groves
I just discovered your artwork. It's beautiful! I'm making some videos for my students at BYU-Idaho. Do you mind if I use some of your illustrations? I'm so grateful to have discovered you!
Hi Susan I really love your work, and you have inspired me to draw as well. I was wondering what mediums do you use to colour your illustrations?
I printed off the three Reverently Singing Children and I remember seeing more "children" somewhere. Are there more, and if so, where can I find them or but the copies? You are a very talented person, and I appreciate your efforts very much.
Thank you very much hà nội computer , hanoicomputer
Thank you so much for sharing your talent. I am going to use it in our Stake and wards here in Lucena Stake Philippines. Thank you very much(Maraming Salamat po.)
Thank you very much hà nội computer , hanoicomputer
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