Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I've had a lot of people requesting the file for this old drawing.  But I lost it a few years back when I got a new computer.  So, I decided that it was time I do a new one. enjoy!


Kelly said...

Thank you! You know how much I love all your illustrations! You're amazing. :)

Anonymous said...

I was looking for some visual aides to use in Sharing time and stumbled upon your blog....I LOVE IT!!!! Thank you so much for sharing your talents. You are truly amazing!

Shelley Snedaker Rexburg, ID

Linda said...

Thank you for your drawings and generosity! I am a music leader in my ward and your drawings make music time fun and I love your drawings!

Unknown said...

This blog is incredible! You are SO talented. Thank you for sharing your talents with the world. These will definitely come in handy for primary!! Thank you thank you!! :)

Nancy said...

I've become a big fan of your beautiful artwork. Thank you for sharing your talent. I'm preparing to teach the children the song "The Family is of God". I'm looking for full body, individual pictures of a father, mother, boy, girl. I've looked through your blog but can't see any of these. Do you have any of these drawings??

Unknown said...

Susan, thank you só much for sharing ^^

william hartman said...

great Embroidery Digitizer