Wednesday, November 13, 2013



By request, I have modified my temple drawing to show the new primary theme.  enjoy!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Forever Family Tree

Another binder cover or poster option for the 2014 Primary theme "Families Are Forever"

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Families are Forever


The new 2014 Primary theme is "Families Are Forever"  This illustration can be used for a binder cover, a poster for your primary room, or anything else you can think of. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

boy scouts

I've had several requests for more boy scouts over the past few months.....

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Another sneak peek...

Hello....I know this isn't the kind of blog that people read regularly.  It's a resource that you only go to when you need something.  But, I feel bad that it's been neglected lately and wanted to reassure you (or me) that I will be back posting new things soon.  In the meantime, here is another sneak peek of the book I'm illustrating "Santa Claus: All Year Long" written by Andy Hogan.  This is what I've been working on lately, and I'm almost finished.  SO EXCITED for the book to come out.  Click here if you'd like to preorder a copy (look at the bottom of the page for the Santa picture)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Can't Wait?

I posted a sneak peek of these Santa Claus illustrations on my personal facebook page and got such a great response from all my family and friends (do you think they might be biased?) That the author, Andy Hogan set up a pre-order list for the book.  So if you are one who just "can't wait" then click this link and look for the Santa picture in the bottom left hand side of the page to sign up for your copy now. (makes me wonder if I should set up a facebook page for this website?)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

On The Drawing Table....

I thought it might be fun to show you a sneak peek of the book I've been illustrating.  It's a collection of stories about Santa all through the year.  It's full of magic and silly adventures.  The stories were written by a friend of ours named Andy Hogan. You can learn more about him on his website.  (which is also where you can buy a copy of the book - it should be ready before Christmas!)  Tell all your family and friends! 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Do As I'm Doing Dice

Another version of the popular "Do As I'm Doing" action cards.  Print these out and fold them into dice.  Let the kids roll one to choose an action for Do As I'm Doing.  Or, if you want them sturdier, you could always mod podge them to a wooden block.  These are two separate files, so be sure to download both dice!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Ressurection Puppets

I wish I could say that I came up with this idea on my own.  But alas, I did not.  Some time ago I was contacted by a mother wanting to use my images to make resurrection puppets. What are resurrection puppets?  They are used to teach the plan of salvation.  Remember the old object lesson of the hand in the glove to show the spirit in the body?  Well, these work the same way.  The white 'spirit' puppets fit inside the colored 'body' puppets.  Click here to see her blog post with the finished product.  I'm sure you'll get a much better understanding from it than from my description.  I think they turned out really cute.  At the time of her request, I didn't have actual drawings for her.  So she used my baptism kids and colored them herself.  Since then, I have made a proper set with both white clothing and colored.  Enjoy! (hint hint: these make a great gift to send in a missionary care package!)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

ASL for "When I Am Baptized"

My daughter went to the deaf school for several years, so we invited her favorite teacher to visit our primary and teach us the sign language for "When I am baptized" (You can get away with that kind of thing here in Utah) 

I made some illustrations to help our kids remember the signs and how they match up to the words in the song.  Like many other languages, ASL is phrased differently than english.  For that reason, many of the signs don't match up directly with the lyrics even though they are still communicating the same idea. So, I have put the lyrics above each picture as they line up while singing.  Beneath each picture in a light grey is the actual word for that particular sign.  I hope that makes sense.

I'm not sure how likely it is that there are a lot of other primaries out there wanting to do sign language to this particular song.  But just in case - I decided to put my drawings here on the blog.  I did the work, I might as well share it right?

I've heard that you can go to Office Max or Staples and get huge "engineer prints" for cheap.  I may try to do that so these can be poster size.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Word of Wisdom Cards


It's my turn to do sharing time tomorrow.  The lesson is on the word  of wisdom.  The kids are supposed to pull pictures out of a bag and tell whether they are good for your body or bad.  This same lesson was given in primary last year. 
When a picture of a brown bottle of beer was pulled out of the bag, my 6 year old daughter yelled out "My Daddy drinks that!"  The primary president was shocked and said "Are you sure?"  and she said "Yes! He drinks it all the time!"  Let me make it clear that my husband does not drink beer.  He drinks Coca Cola, which is a brown liquid in a bottle.  I was the primary pianist at the time, and we all got a good laugh out of her comment.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Choices & Consequences


I hope you're well stocked up on color ink for your printer!

I'm sure you can tell which game this is modeled after, but for our purposes, we will call it "Choice & Consequences"  You could use this for sharing time, singing time (add a song name to each square) or for family home evening.  Most of the illustrations are based on following the teachings of Jesus Christ.  I've noticed that sharing time for the first week in May 2013 has to do with following the prophets, so this might be a good match for that.  

The printed out project measures 30"x30". I wanted it to be big enough for all the kids to see when it's posted in front of the room.  It comes in 12 different blocks that you can print out on regular 8.5x11 paper.  I would suggest taping it together on the back side, or mounting it on cardboard then laminating it.  There are also 4 game pieces.  Red, blue, green and yellow.  Two girls, two boys. You can use them by color teams, or by boys and girls.  You will also need dice to play this game.

Please enjoy it, and let me know how it works out for you!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

How is your tomato plant?

Faith is like a little seed.....How is yours growing?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Jesus is Risen

He Is Risen
I don't usually draw pictures of the Savior.  It is intimidating to me to try to do justice to the God that I have such strong and sacred feelings about.  As I was drawing this one, I kept thinking about the infinite love that He has for all of us, and how much that love has to do with our imperfection.  (What use would the atonement be if any of us were perfect? He would have suffered and died in vain!) So I decided that maybe it's okay for me to draw Him even if it isn't 'perfect'.  He will love me and my drawing anyway.

*The General Primary Presidency discourages against using 'cartoon-like' images of the Savior in primary.  I believe it is because it is important for children to know that Jesus Christ is a real person, and not just a character from a book or on tv.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I have a secret to tell.....

It's not really a secret, but it sounds so much more exciting that way doesn't it? It's actually some big news.  I am illustrating a book of stories.  I can't tell you much about it, but I can say that it will be wonderful AND it will be ready for gift giving by Christmas of 2013! 

It's going to be self published by the author, so if you think you may be interested in knowing about this book - when it's finished, how to get it, etc. Please leave a comment on this post to help me gauge how many to print.  Thanks for looking!

Primary Assignment Cards, version 2

 Our Primary has decided to include the articles of faith in our opening exercises, so I made new assignment cards.  You can download the entire sheet, or just the separate clip art if you'd like to design your own.

Assignment Cards (version 2)
 Articles of Faith Boy
 Prayer Boy
Prayer Girl

church house

church house

Scouts & Activity Days

 I've been working more on the baptism preparation booklet for our ward.  These are a few images I've come up with.  These two are showing that eight year old boys and girls get to start scouts, activity days, and begin working on their Faith In God awards.

Scout Boy

 Activity Days Girl

Choose the Right

"Choose the Right" shield




Temple illustration

Temple illustration with "I believe" banner.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Reverence Badges

 Encourage reverence in primary with these cute reward badges! Just cut them out and pin them on, or punch a hole in the top and make a yarn necklace.

Friday, February 22, 2013

2013 primary song memory game cards

I've had so many requests for memory game cards for this year's primary songs, I finally got off my Franny and made some!  Some of this year's songs are already in last year's set of cards, so I didn't re-do those.  You'll have to download that packet here.  And unlike last year, I didn't do two of the same card on each page. There is only one copy of each card in the actual download.  I thought it would make it easier and faster to download that way, and hopefully it isn't too hard for you to just print it out twice.  I hope you'll enjoy these!


*There have been some issues with these coming out smaller than the 2012 cards.  If this happens to you, first try to download the files to your computer rather than just printing from the google doc that opens up.  If that doesn't work, email me.  If I send the file directly from my computer it seems to work right.  Thanks, and good luck! 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

primary assignment cards

Pre-assembled, all ready to print out and fill in the blanks.  These little cards will let the primary kids and their parents know about their assignments in primary. 

If you'd prefer to make your own, here are the illustrations all by themselves to download separately.